She Means Business

Enabling & Inspiring Indian Women to thrive- Personally & Professionally

As an entrepreneur, you can work anytime from anywhere.

This seems to be one of the most attractive propositions of going solo or ‘starting something of your own’.


Initially when I went solo, I was so conditioned to 9-5 timings that I actually felt guilty if I took time out for a pedicure in the afternoon or a no agenda coffee with a friend during ‘work hours’.

It took me a long time to break through the conditioning that certain hours are meant ONLY for work.

I soon realized that work has to be outcome based and not time based. However, it is not easy to inculcate that discipline into yourself.

There are 2 things that finally helped me to break through

  1. The first is to break work into short outcome based tasks with a stipulated deliverable time.

               This could mean

  • I have to script, shoot, edit and upload 4 videos by end of the month.
  • I have to make 30 sales calls in 15 days.

And so on…

  • Find my ‘work clock’. There are some tasks for which I am super productive at night – like writing content for social media. Hence I needed to marry my productive clock with my actual clock.

I guess this is pretty much what you call work life integration.

Both of these required a fair bit of work and I still sometimes feel extremely guilty about taking off in the middle of the day for a non – work task, but I’ve realized that as long as there is nothing pending on my table from a client I feel freer.


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