How much of your work do you discuss with your spouse?

work discussions with spouse

Most evenings around 8 pm, my husband and I together take our dog Bossy for his last (and longest) walk of the day.

It is the best time of the day for all 3 of us.

Bossy literally struts, emboldened and basking in the love and luck of having his two favourite humans out with him. It reflects in his walk, his happy little barks and his complete resistance to come back home to a big black shiny device on a wall that mysteriously gobbles up his pawrents’ attention.

While initially the hubby and I cribbed about our evenings totally destroyed thanks to being bound down by Bossy’s routine (yup, you guessed it, Bossy is a covid baby), I think we’ve come to enjoy the slow evenings that having Bossy has led to.

First, it’s given us a legitimate excuse to turn down all unwanted invites to random drinking and dinner catch ups. “No, we have to take Bossy out for a walk, ya,” we say with absolutely straight faces.

Second, the walk has led to lovely 30 minute, phone free, distraction free catch ups about our respective work days. Which is something we’ve always loved doing.

And that is really the point of this post.

In my 23.5 years of marriage I have found that making your partner a partner in ALL your work related details is the best thing that you can do. 

No one knows you better than your partner. Your partner knows what makes you happy, what gives you stress. Discussing both the happy parts as well as the stressful parts will give each them a deep look into what is happening in your life and lead to more empathy and understanding even if there is no solution to your challenges.

Discussing each small win will fill you both up with happiness leading to bigger dreams, more confidence and more ambition for each other.

The hubby and I integrated work discussions completely into our lives and this has led to fantastic teamwork!

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