5 steps to a better relationship with your body

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Do you ever start the day in a bad mood simply because you’re feeling bloated, as if your body has betrayed you before you’ve even begun?

Have you ever pushed through long, demanding hours at work or school, ignoring the throbbing headache or painful period cramps, convincing yourself, “I have to keep going; it’ll pass eventually”?

Or maybe, like so many of us, you’ve caught a glimpse of yourself in a mirror and immediately thought, “I look awful today,” as if your worth was somehow tied to your reflection?

The truth is, the relationship we have with our bodies often defines how we experience the world. It affects our energy, our confidence, and even our ability to embrace life’s challenges. Yet, it’s the one relationship we tend to neglect or take for granted.

In a world that constantly sends mixed messages about how we should look or feel, it’s crucial to take a step back and truly get to know our bodies — to understand them, appreciate them, and yes, sometimes even forgive them. When we nurture this connection, we unlock the power to live with greater joy, resilience, and peace.

You need to work on your most important relationship – the one with your body. Here are 5 steps to deepen your relationship with your body.

1. Look at Yourself in the Mirror and Make Peace with Your “Flaws”

Take a moment to really look at yourself in the mirror. Pick five things you’ve always disliked about your body. Now, take a critical yet compassionate look at each one. Can you do anything to change it? If so, what can you do? If not, accept it. Acknowledge your feelings but also allow yourself to let go of judgment.

Next, shift your focus. List 10 things you truly love about your body—whether it’s your smile, your strength, your hair, or anything else. Smile as you point them out. Write these 10 things down and post them somewhere visible—on your mirror, desk, or phone. This exercise isn’t just about boosting confidence; it’s about training yourself to see and appreciate the full picture, embracing both your “flaws” and your strengths.

2. Try a Class That Makes You Stretch and Move

Nothing helps you reconnect with your body like stretching. Whether it’s yoga, Pilates, or a dance class, moving your body in new and fluid ways gets your blood flowing and wakes up muscles that might be underused. It’s a physical reminder of what your body can do. You’ll feel more energized, more alive, and—most importantly—more in love with your body.

3. Sort Through Your Closet and Ask, “Why Don’t I Wear This?”

Take a look at all the clothes you’ve had hanging in your closet for months (or even years). Set aside everything you haven’t worn in the last six months and ask yourself: Why not? Is it the fit, the cut, or the fabric that makes you uncomfortable? Often, we buy clothes impulsively, only to later realize that they don’t feel right on our bodies—maybe they pinch in certain places, or they don’t flatter our shape the way we imagined. 

For example, I’ve learned that I never wear pants that fit tightly at the waist because I feel uncomfortable when I sit. Understanding what doesn’t work for you can help you make better clothing choices in the future.

Click here are 2 simple tips to sort out your workwear.

4. Dig deep for answers

Ask yourself what you can do to improve your relationship with your body. Be brutally honest with your answers. Exercise? A better meal plan? A change of personal style? Kinder friends?

5. Take out time for Self-Care

Give yourself the gift of a simple self-care ritual. Whether it’s a long bath, a gentle massage, or a few minutes of meditation, take time to reconnect with yourself in a nurturing way. When you focus on your body with care and attention, you not only relax—you build a deeper sense of gratitude for everything your body does for you every day.

These five actions are small steps to shift your relationship with your body—from judgment to acceptance, from neglect to appreciation. This weekend, make the effort to show your body the love it deserves.

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